Finally!! My second appointment
I'm sooo excited!! As I wlked in the door from work today my phone was ringing,, it was cheryl
from dr G,s office with an appointment for me yeahhhh She said they had finally recieved
all my pre-testing results the only thing was she is out of the office for 2 weeks so my appointment isnt until june 9 but hey at least im in....iwas hoping to have surgery by the end of june oh well
I guess it just gives me extra time to make myself a nervous wreck over actually having the surgery
Good for you Kim!!!! I'm hoping to get my second appt date tomorrow. I can't wait. It's driving me batty!
I'm glad you have your's. At least it's beautiful outside now! Later alligator! Jules

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Hey Kim,
I will be starting the Optifast program at the end of the month to start to lose the required lbs for surgery...during that time I will be setting up the other tests.
Let me ask you a long would you say that it took to get all of your tests done...approx? I also ready have sleep I can cross that one off!!