you were given great advice here! I don't have a recliner either- but I slept on the couch with about 3 pillows behind me for about 3-4 days. I also had a pillow on my stomach for a while too (my cat likes to jump on me and sleep there). The pillow was great for hugging to help stand/sit up.
As for sleep- it came in spurts- not a whole night at a time. Just take it easy and healing is your number one concern
These are questions you need to ask your doctor. Every doctor seems to have their own rules.
As for your puppy - my cat who has done the same thing for years knew something was up. He didn't come near me for at least a week and slept at my feet instead of right up against me. After that week, he go braver and would come and sit on me at night.
Your puppy will be fine and so will you.