Ok all you lapbanders its getting close like 13 days close and im getting worried so i was wondering if you guys and ladies could gice me a heads up on what i am in for pain wise i have a very high tolerence for it i have 14 tattoos dont mind needles but still scared on how bad this will hurt so if someone could give me some
i would reallly! really appreciate it thanks alot up front!!!

Hey There!!
I just had surgery on friday and i felt the most pain as soon as i awoke from surgery. I stayed overnight bc i have sleep apnea and i a had a button to press for strong IV pain meds. So, the night wasnt that bad. Since I have been home, the most pain i feel is turning over in bed, standing up and sitting down. its like a 5 out of 10 Good luck.
the best thing for you- don't read the horror stories on the Lapband board. They will fill your head full of so much crap you don't need to worry about. People don;t post there unless it is an issue (for the most part).
As for the pain- they will give you a liquid pain med, I took this for the ride home (just because the roads around my house are very bumpy). I was in some discomfort, pain at times- but mostly when standing, turning, or sitting up. Plan on spending at least a few days in a recliner or on the couch with pillows behind you. This just makes it easier on you when trying to sit or stand. Get yourself some stuff to do- magazines to read, puzzles to do, crafts, and rent some movies or DVR a bunch of shows.
Don't stress about it- it isn't that bad at all. I stayed overnight at the hospital also- just because that is how my surgeon does it. I was up and walking the halls within 2 hours of getting my room
i definatly know how the roads are near you i grew up in n. scituate so i dont blame you, my surgeon also makes yo ustay overnight in the hospital and that scares me a little to i am just hoping that they let my bf stay with me like i said i have a very high tolerence to pain just still a little scared but i do alot of bead work and knitting i also have a six year old with alot of disney and other movies she wants to catch up on so probably do that to
Sounds like you are all set and ready! The overnight was not bad- until I got a new room mate at 3am and they took over an hour settling her in with ALL of her family there. I was glad I did get to stay they night, I could then concentrate on me and only me getting better.
You will do well!! Remember- any questions- as stupid as they might seem- we are here for ya!
The after pain wasn't really that bad. I could not tolerate the pain meds after because of no food (liquid diet) so I chose to suck it up. I went home with a pain med prescription that I never filled and I never used any OTC meds either. The pain was about a 4-5 out of 10. I spent the night in the hospital because I had sleep apnea. It will take about 4-5 days after before you are feeling like new.
Like Alexia said...I spent quite a few nights sleeping in the recliner. It was much more comfortable then the bed for positioning reasons.
It's ok to be nervous but don't stress over it. It's really not that big of a deal.