Finally had my follow up w/sleep Dr

Glad you finally got through that apt- now your next and most important one is coming up IN LESS THAN A MONTH!!!! How exciting is that?!?! I know it seems forever away right now, but it will get here. For now- enjoy the incredible weather (and call in a week to see if there are any cancelations- I know there won't be any now, because they just had to reschedule my 6 week check up and cancelled all of the apt for this coming monday)

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THANKS...I pick my machine up Monday from vanguard on Jefferson Blvd. Seems sooooo darn odd that this apnea is such a big deal yet it will be almost 1 month from my diagnosis til I receive my machine! I know it will come quick I just had a time line in my head that worked my june 23rd business trip into being at least 4-6 weeks post op. now it does not look good. Thanks again for your support and I will keep you posted!
I know it's a bummer about the sleep apnea hold up, but it's very important when it comes to anesthesia. Why it takes so long, ????????. When you go in for surgery they have to be sure you are getting enough oxygen and when you have sleep apnea you are even more relaxed under anesthesia which could pose a problem. Before you know it you'll have a date, your surgery and you'll be on your way.