old goals
I was looking back at some old posts on my profile and came across this one from last year. It was a list I had made of things I was looking foward to. I didn't even remember I did this!
Here's my list with present day comments.
Being able to play more with my niece.
Last week I was able to actually run with her and race across the yard! Last year I wouldn't have even been able to keep up.
Not having to buy my clothes at the fat man's store (Casual Male XL)
Haven't had to go there in a long time
Not needing an extenstion for the seat belt on an airplane.
I haven't flown since surgery, but I don't think this is a problem anymore. I even notice it in the car, I sometimes have to check that it is on becuase it not tight like it used to be.
No more knee pain.
This i still have little bit of, but much better than it was.
Getting rid of, or at least taking less medications.
I'm hoping on getting off the last of my weight related meds this month!!!!
Sitting in a resturant booth and not worring how tight it will be.
Buying new clothes that fit right and look good.
I now enjoy clothes shopping and have to stop myself from buying to much.
Having more energy and not being out of breath doing simple things.
I'm working out during the week, and have lots of energy.
Feeling good about myself.
I really do feel so much better about myself. I even feel it when I walk the halls at work. I find I walk with my head held high instead of down and have a good pace in my walk. I'm hoping on jumping back into the dating pool soon