Missing out on the gatherings
Hi everyone I'm on this forum everyday and think you all are su*****rediable people the sad thing is I wish I was able to get together with you guys when you all get together...problem is the double whammy I not only work 3rd shift but also work the weekends so my sleep schedule is usually when you all get together...I do have Thursday and Friday nights off I know the RW meetings are held on Thursday haven't made it to one I usually crash on that night...I love doing all those fun activities bowling, video games, karoke so if there is a future gathering on a Friday night I'm there.....On another subject just downloaded new photos I'm very happy with my progress and I "feel" thin but when I see photos reality hits that I have such a long way to go and all I see is a huge face and body I hate having my picture taken because of that oh well just needed to vent Have a great day everyone
Hi Annie! I'm so glad you posted! I'm sure we will have other Friday night festivities in the future! I am really looking forward to meeting you! BTW, You are Gorgeous!!!! Jules
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