CPAP Machine use troubles....blah!
I'm really having a tough time with the CPAP sleeping stuff. When I get up in the morning, my stomach is all extended. Like the machine is forcing air into it. Also, I'm so exhausted! More so now than when I would stop breathing every two minutes before using the darned thing! When I wake up around 6 or so to go to the little girl's room, I come back and don't bother to even put it back on so I can get some 'real' sleep for a couple more hours. My hair is so fine that the top strap that goes over my head slips off toward the front and is aggrevating. Also my nostrils are really narrow so the nasal pillows have to be pushed right up so close to my nostrils (so the air doesn't blow out). And my nose hurts in the morning from it being pushed on all night long. Maybe I should call them tomorrow to let them know about this. Maybe I should have a different mask. I know....maybe I should just stop complaining. Signed: Tired as heck!
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Oh Jules, I am sooo sorry you are going through this. No you can complain all you want you never do!!!!!! I can imagine how uncomfortable that is I cannot stand anything in my face. I would call them I am sure they may have another that will work better after all it is supposed to help you sleep. Well I will be thinking of you. I hope you get some sleep.Sweet Dreams!!!

dear Jules, so sorry your going thru all this.. a friend of mine has the same problem and she has to sleep with a ponytail to put the strap under because hers slips up also.. she has short hair.. she says she just needs a little to keep strap into place,but I also would call drs to see if there is a better fit for you. Take Care Kim
Thanks everyone! I too use a ponytail to help keep it in place. I've used the cpap four nights in a row now. I'm glad my DH is away until the 19th so I'm not keeping him up all night long. Last night, my daughter thought she was funny by coming into my room to kiss me good night and took a picture of me layiing with the mask on. I let her take a couple more while I sat up. Memory pics for me to look at a year from now and be thankful I had WLS and got rid of the sleep apnea! ....meanwhile.....she's still gigglin' about it!
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I can understand what you're saying. I use (or I should say suppose to use) a BiPap machine. Mine switches between two different pressure settings, but it dries out my airway so badly that I was spending my nights waking up to drink..then of course the added trips to the girls room. So, like you, I was getting less sleep with the freaking mask on than when I was not using it. So I stopped..please understand that I am not recommending that you stop too..just that I know how you feel. Maybe you need a full face mask, but those are uncomfortable too. At any rate, good luck and let use know how you make out.
Jules! Those darn CPap machines! Sorry that yours is giving you such a hard time. I know I struggle with mine sometimes. Sounds like you've given the mask you've got plenty of chances, though! I'd say definitely call and see if you could get a different mask. The silly machine is supposed to help your sleep not make it worse for you! Also, got to commend your bravery of allowing pictures with the mask on! I'm not sure I could do that! lol. Take care and hopefully get some good sleep soon!!

The pressure setting may be to high for you Jules... make sure you let them know everything you told us. It took a bit of getting used to for me too.. but I used a little KY lube in my nose and that helped the pillows stay put and not dry my nose out. I also kept the humidity on all the time. Just call and explain things.. maybe get the nose mask and not the full face mask.. might be more comfy!
best of luck
Hi Jules,
I just got my CPAP machine on Saturday and I am also using the Nasal pillows. At the time they seemed the most comfortable as the masks really didn't fit my face well. Well the first two nights went pretty well, but it has been downhill since. I had a few questoins about the machine itself and how it was working and they did answer those questions for me which really helped. I was convinced that the pressure was too high, or the machine wasn't working correctly. She told me yesterday that the pillows are kind of an artform to put in but it is worth it if you can figure it out as they are the least invasive. As far as the nose thing! I woke up this morning and my nose is literally throbbing. There was actually a little blood on the inside. I wonder if this would be the same wtih any mask as the air is rushing through? It is very uncomfortable. I am so discouraged. I was actually pretty hopeful about this machine in the hopes that it would help me. I am so tired all the time and at my breaking point as far as not sleeping. Last night I think I woke up about 6 times. Still better than 22 per hour, but still discouraging. I am determined to try to make this work, but it is so frustrating. Last night I woke up with such a dry mouth and I am hoping that I am not opening my mouth while sleeping.
One question - does your machine have a ramp feature? This is very helpful. She told me that if you start wtih the pressure too high for the night it doesn't work becuase you aren't sleeping wtih a closing airway so the air has no place to go so always start the machine on ramp. She also told me that I can change the ramp myself from 20 minutes to 45 minutes to make sure I'm sleeping before the pressure turns up. If you aren't sleeping the brain gets really confused about why this air is rushing in and where it is supposed to go. But if you are alseep with the air pressure and your airway is closing, it shoudl all work out.
I felt very badly about all this yesterday and was actually becoming a bit of a whiner. They actualy called yesterday to see how things were going and I really felt better after that. They can certainly change out the mask for you and should help with any questions you have.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do at this point to make this work. I think tonight I'll break down and try the Ky in the nose (yuck, yuck, yuck) and maybe turn up the humidity.
Don't give up just yet Jules! Remember - the company that is loaning you this machine should be helping you to make it work! Sleep is so important - especially for weight loss.