Can fruit make you dump?
Hi Manda! I wish I could give you a definitive answer, but dumping is different for everyone and its not always sugar related. Some people can dump on sugar, some on fat, some people never dump at all. For me, I dumped on a sugar free pudding once. But then I'd had them before and I've had them since with no issue. It could be a combination of things, who knows! My general rule of thumb is to keep sugars under 10 (I like to keep them in the range of 5 or under) and I keep the fat grams very low but vary them depending on what it is. I've only dumped once , and I dont blame you for wanting to avoid it, it wasnt pleasant. But keep in mind too, dumping syndrome is different for everyone as well. Sometimes dumping can be as painless as just being really tired. Make sure you send me your info, I want to call and check in with you and I'll try to make a trip to the hospital on Wednesday! Good Luck, You'll be on the losers bench very soon. We've already scooted over to make room for you. (this bench is getting very full, let me tell you!) EDITED TO ADD: Sorry Manda, I was hurrying because I'm at work and I forgot to answer your main questions. Geesh! Personally, I havent had any issues with dumping on fruit. But just be careful some things like watermelon have a lot of sugars in them. Also, at RW the first day after surgery you'll sip 1 oz of water every hour, then the following day, you'll get the Proti shakes that Dr Pohl sells in his office. Be prepared, the shakes will be room temperature!
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