Pictures of the bowling outting.

Angela H.
on 4/13/08 12:06 am - Bristol, RI

I've uploaded the pictures I took last night at the bowling outing. Take a look!!

We had such a great time, my arms and legs are sore today, but so worth it!

on 4/13/08 1:37 am - Cranston, RI
May I just say.. those shoes are HOT!!! Looks like it was a fun time... hope to catch up with all you party animals soon!!


Laura B.
on 4/13/08 1:43 am - RI
Angela, great pictures! I had such a great time last night and I am so glad that we had such a good turnout!


PS. I'm trying to upload my pics to my OH Album, but there is no more room

I'll figure something out!
on 4/13/08 1:46 am - Cranston, RI
Oh Y'all.....I'm SO sorry to have missed it.  I have been so under the weather since working at the daycare this week.  And not only did I miss the bowling, I missed the karaoke!!!  I LOVE karaoke!!!!  I'm so glad you all had such a good time.  Looking forward to the next outting.  Great pix Angela.  Everyone looks wonderful!


 When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you.  It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself.  - Natalie Portman

Julie Nolan
on 4/13/08 2:20 am, edited 4/13/08 2:21 am - RI
Thanks for sharing your pics Angela! What a great time we had last night! Michelle thought we were all so much fun! Imagine, a 17 year old hangin' out with her mom and friends and she can't wait until the next time we all get together. There aren't any of YOU though..........You're too beautiful to hide behind the camera......................................................................................................          Thank you so much! It was the first time in YEARS that I felt like.....ME. I've spent so many years staying home (my safe haven). Again, Thank you ALL for giving me back a piece of ME. Jules (P.S. I'll upload the pics I took to my profile then post when they're ready to view)


For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me!  [email protected]

on 4/13/08 2:24 am - West Warwick, RI
Hi Angela! Thanks for posting the pictures!! I had a great time last night!! Sorry I was quiet, I just get shy!!
Laura, Thanks for putting it all together, you did a great job!!! Hope to see you all next weekend!
on 4/13/08 12:58 pm - N Scituate, RI
the pics came out so cute!!  too bad we wasted our best "skinny poses" on no flash- lol

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