
Yes I'll agree, the wonter blues grabbed a hold of me and I hope is close to letting to go. Nice weather definatley makes me a happy camper. (Which is one of the things that I LOVE to do...hmm Maybe we could to an OH camping weekend) I love the warm sun on my face and on my shoulders. I always feel my spirits lift on a nice day. My favorite outdoor activity I would have to say would be just going and being outside in general. Anything, Hiking, walking, going to the beach, camping, playing softball. I love cookouts and cooking on the grill...however I am a New Englander, so I still cook on my grill even in the coldest days of winter LOL. But I just like hanging outside.
This summer I hope to go to block island, the zoo, and I am WITHOUT A DOUBT, doing cliff walk in Newport.
Thanks Laura! Great post!


I am so one of those people affected by the weather, and soo happy it was beautiful out!! I spent a bit of the day lounging on the deck- then noticed we had a ton of hornets around the roofline. I freaked out and then went for a walk. I had to drive my parents to the airport today, and did it with the sunroof open! LOVED the sun shining down on me!
Usually in the summer, I sign the boys up for swim lesons at the local beach, so we go to the beach almost daily. It is also when the dog show season really begins, and we are at shows almost every weekend. When we aren't at a dog show, we have a boat docked at a local lake. We go fishing, cruising, and even tubing behind the boat.
I love the summer! (though being so dead pale- I tend to fry)

When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself. - Natalie Portman