
Laura B.
on 4/10/08 8:54 am, edited 4/10/08 8:54 am - RI
Today made me realize that I can NOT wait until the nicer weather gets here and stays here!  It was gorgeous out today and I hated having to spend the day inside at work.  I'm looking forward to the nice weather so I can be out and about (more than I am now) and use the outdoors as my place to exercise.   I think that this winter really had a lot of people feeling down in the dumps.... myself included and I'm happy to see it come to an end. What are everyone else's thoughts on the nicer weather?  Does it make you happier?  What is your favorite outdoor activity?  Where do you go in the summer at night as opposed to the movies or indoor activities? I personally love the warmer weather.  My birthday is in August and this year I will be a whole quarter century at 25 years old!  With the way my winter blues went, I'm hoping that the summer will make me happier!  My favorite outdoor activities are definitely riding my new bike and walking my doggie!  During the summer months I love to go to waterfire - we will definitely have to plan a RI OH Outing!!!  I also love going to the beach at night, its so beautiful!  There is this place in Jamestown called Beaver Tail that I love going to as well.  I havent been in a long time and hope to go this year! So, share your thoughts, ideas, etc. Laura   
Danielle V.
on 4/10/08 9:36 am - Cranston, RI
I am so so excited for the nice weather.  Today when I had to go from one end of the building to another, I walked outside.  My husband and I walked up to Garden City to go to dinner - it was so nice!  Of course I  hear that we are getting rain for the weekend which bums me out because the weekend after I have to work.  Hope everyone enjoyed the day as much as possible.
Danielle V. - Now Overweight!!!
on 4/10/08 10:16 am - West Warwick, RI
Great topic!

Yes I'll agree, the wonter blues grabbed a hold of me and I hope is close to letting to go. Nice weather definatley makes me a happy camper. (Which is one of the things that I LOVE to do...hmm Maybe we could to an OH camping weekend) I love the warm sun on my face and on my shoulders. I always feel my spirits lift on a nice day. My favorite outdoor activity I would have to say would be just going and being outside in general. Anything, Hiking, walking, going to the beach, camping, playing softball. I love cookouts and cooking on the grill...however I am a New Englander, so I still cook on my grill even in the coldest days of winter LOL. But I just like hanging outside.

This summer I hope to go to block island, the zoo, and I am WITHOUT A DOUBT, doing cliff walk in Newport.

Thanks Laura! Great post!

Dave C.
on 4/10/08 10:21 am - MA
I really enjoyed the weather today.  I went out for a walk at lunch and it was torture to go back inside. Can't wait for the good weather to stay During the nice weather I like to go to Roger Williams Park, and do anything outdoors.  The other thing I love is playing with niece either at her house or taking her to the playground.  It will really be great this year because I'll be able to move around a lot easier. dave

on 4/10/08 10:36 am - Cranston, RI
I dont get to be in RI a whole lot when i have time off.. but i live just 25 mins from Hampton beach.. so i tend to find myself there often. They have arcades, free music/bands and fireworks quite often. I have a summer birthday.. but i will be 42 this year.. yikes! lol But its all good. I still like walking my dogs in my neighborhood. or wherever i happen to land! They love going out in the car! Maybe sometime over the summer...everyone can head up to NH and we can make a day of it.. but unfortunately we are not opening our pool..due to torn liner..grrrrr but we have a hottub and a big screen porch. see everyone soon


on 4/10/08 10:57 am - N Scituate, RI

I am so one of those people affected by the weather, and soo happy it was beautiful out!!  I spent a bit of the day lounging on the deck- then noticed we had a ton of hornets around the roofline.  I freaked out and then went for a walk.  I had to drive my parents to the airport today, and did it with the sunroof open!  LOVED the sun shining down on me!

Usually in the summer, I sign the boys up for swim lesons at the local beach, so we go to the beach almost daily.  It is also when the dog show season really begins, and we are at shows almost every weekend.  When we aren't at a dog show, we have a boat docked at a local lake.  We go fishing, cruising, and even tubing behind the boat.

I love the summer!  (though being so dead pale- I tend to fry)

(deactivated member)
on 4/10/08 11:49 am - Johnston, RI
I could not believe my truck said it was 75 today as soon as i stepped out i was in love.  The smell of spring is great.  I spent all day outside played some basketball with a friend and i actually chased after the ball instead of others getting it because i was to slow.  Also i went and did my walk/jog at the lincoln/cumberland bike path boy is that a nice one.  Then my friend gave me a 18 speed bike so i walked to the gas station put air in the tires and rode around a little but 1 rim is warped so ill prob just buy a new bike SOON i loved riding it.  Just a great day to enjoy all around and i look for more to come.  LOL i barely broke a sweat today thats a first. Donnie
on 4/10/08 1:00 pm - MA
YEAAAAAAA SUNNNNNN!!!!!I love going on the weekends to Naragansette we usually go later in the day so we can still enjoy the warm sun but then stay and watch the sun set. We also love going up to Maine it is sooo awsome. I got a little extra time on my luch today ao I had my roof open muic blastin. I love it. We definetly need to do a RI OH summer gathering. Well Enjoy the rest of your week ya'll!!!! DD

RNY 10/16/2008--Panniculectomy 12/01/2008 Start--439 RNY-200--Panni 185

on 4/10/08 9:41 pm - Cranston, RI
I'm a day late and a dollar short on this one I guess!  Yesterday was great!!  After the gym in the morning I came home and de-thatched my entire yard.  I was pooped, but I got to be outside.  Only thing, not sure i f I have a cold or allergies, I am feeling kinda low.  Anyway, in the summer, I love to spend time gardening.  I love to pull weeds and plant new things, and just generally putter around out in my yard.  We have a long back porch, half of it is scrreened and I love to spend time out there, enjoying my yard.  Like Lauren, we also like to go camping.  And I love to spend time at the beach as much as possible.  I also like to take my camera out and shoot photos, and do day trips with my son when he is off from school and not out with his friends.   We throw lots of backyard cookouts and parties in the summer.  I also have a summer birthday - July 25 - and last yr I threw myself a mad beastly 50th b-day party.  (can't tell I have a teenager, huh?)  LB, Beavertail is beautiful.  I used to hang out there a lot when I was in HS...It is one of my favorite photo op places now.


 When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you.  It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself.  - Natalie Portman

on 4/10/08 10:48 pm - Providence, RI

Hello All,

I am not a summer person, don't like when it's very hot.  Now yestarday is my kind of day!!!!!!  I just liked the sun beating down on my face, but it was not too hot.


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