Protein Powder Suggestion
Hey all,
I had looked through some posts but figured it wounld not hurt to start a new one. Looking for some suggestions on Protien shakes. I am pre-op Lap band and as soon I should get my Dr Roye appointment in the next few weeks for my surgury date. I wanted to see what everyone else suggests in terms of getting the right one. I want to try some prior so I make sure i really like a certain type before it becomes my diet.
for the clear liquid stage, I liked gnc brand unflavored whey protien. It mixed well with my crystal light lemonade. Made a really tasty drink. I am still looking for a flavored one I like. I am thinking my vanilla decision wasn't a good one- until I start mixing things in. Or maybe it is that they are just too heavy for me right now. I am not sure
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