Sorry everyone....
I know I've been pretty late in posting the Monday updates the last couple weeks and I havent made it on the boards as much lately. I am reading the posts, but I've not had a lot of time to respond lately so if I havent responded to your messages about the medical ID bracelets or the gathering on the 19th bear with me. I also have several PMs I need to respond to, and I promise I will!
Work has been a bit stressful lately. They've been laying people off left and right and its not over yet. So, I'm just praying I dont end up being one of the ones let go. Normally, I wouldnt care because finding another job is easy enough, but now just wouldnt be a good time to change jobs. And, as those of you who were here last month already know, Guy and I own a couple of apartments and one of them just came open. Unfortunately, the apartment needs some heating work done on it and we've had contractors in and out and I've been trying to organize bids and also get the carpeting, painting, new stove, etc all together and ready to be put in. Lets not forget also, the ton of calls on the apartment and the people who want to see it even before its ready that are coming in between the contractors.
Have I mentioned how much I'm looking forward to going bowling on Saturday and the gathering on the 19th?? To me, these things are great stress relief!!
Its going to sound strange Pam, but I actually really enjoy getting ready for the monthly meetings. Guy and I both really love entertaining people and to me its more of a stress relief than anything, so I dont mind it in the least.
I've been meaning to tell you, Guy keeps referring to you as "the really skinny one" I thought you might enjoy hearing about that one. For some reason, he cant seem to remember your name and its always "the really skinny one" or "the quiet skinny one"..HAHA!
Hi Angela, I hope everything works out well with your job and your apartment whoas. It's really unfortunate that you're going through all this at once. Sounds like a real stress sandwich! Thank goodness you have created all these outlets! You're a great power of example! Hang in there, Baby! Jules
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Angela, Sorry to hear you have had a lot on your plate lately.
It always seems like when it rains, it pours. (wow! All the cliches?) Anyway, I hope you can relax on Sat and get rid of some of that stress with a little bowling exercise and creative socializing. Good luck with the contractors...That alone is enough to be stressful!!

When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself. - Natalie Portman