Mini goal Monday updates!
Yep, Its Monday, and though its late on Monday (sorry all, work has been a bear and a half and then had a dr appt tonight so just got home) Its time for a mini-goal update. My update is that I've done a bit better with my exercise this past week, I've ran on the treadmill twice this week for a minute each time. This week I'm going to try to get it up to 2 minutes so that I can reach my Mothers day mini-goal of running for 5 minutes... How is your mini-goal coming along??
Last week was crappy for my mini goal... I didnt go to the gym at all :( I just didnt feel up to it. I've been having some hypo-glycemic problems. About an hour after I eat I crash. I bought a blood sugar monitor last night and I am interested to see what my sugar is when I test it today when I feel the crash coming.
I'll keep you updated.

Well, I never even remember what my mini-goals are from one week to the next so I don't usually make them. This is my first, official, mini goal. So, that said, this week's mini-goal is to not drink fluids with my meals. All week. It's tough but I want to prepare myself for post-surgery (thanks Laura).............Laura, Laura, Laura......please call your Doc for a blood test, k? Happy Tuesday! Jules
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