Question about sleep study scheduling
I have not scheduled my sleep study yet. My husband says he knows for a fact that I do not have apnea. I called Dr Pohl's office to ask if I should go ahead and schedule it anyway, and they told me to wait until my first visit to schedule it. But I am antsy, so I called Dr Millman's office, thinking I could make the appt and then cancel if I don't need it. They told me I couldn't schedule without Dr Pohl's office calling in first. Did anyone else have this experience with Dr Millman? This and the endoscopy are the only things I still need.
I'm going crazy in this waiting game.

When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself. - Natalie Portman
Hi Cara! I didnt go through Dr Millman, I went through Dr Gupta for my sleep study and I was able to schedule it myself with no problem. They were very convenient as well because their sleep lab is in the same building as Dr. Pohl and Dr. G's Johnston office. You go in around 9 pm and they wake you up EARLY in the am to go home. The staff was really nice, I'd give them a try!
Laura :)
Hey Buddy! I went through Dr. Millman's office but I saw Dr. Sharkey. My PCM put in my referral for me. I was not able to schedule an appt with her until they received my insurance authorization. Then they wouldn't schedule the sleep study until they submitted and got approval from the insurance company to do so. When they got the approval for the actual sleep study, they scheduled two of them back-to-back and a follow-up appt with Dr. Sharkey. If it turned out I did NOT have sleep apnea, they would have automatically cancelled the second one and moved my appt with Dr. Sharkey up a week or so. .........Work with your Primary Doc...............If it were me in your situation.......I would def have the sleep studies no matter what....if nothing else, it will rule out the sleep apnea and Dr. Pohl will not question it either. I know at the seminar they say that women don't HAVE to have it done. But why risk having to wait longer for your surgery. And I know you are just as anxious as I am to get it done. Good Luck! Jules
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