Positive for sleep Apnea!!!!
Hi Jaime, I completely understand! I am waiting for my CPAP to arrive this week. When's your next sleep study? No worries. And of course I'm speaking to myself as well.....the surgery will be here before we know it! This will all just be a memory. I'm very impatient!!!! This just can't happen fast enough for me! I'm sooooo ready! Let us know how you do, k? Jules
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My 2nd study id Wen night. She told we To get there at 9:30 which is better that 8:00. I don't know why this bothers me soooooo much but I am sooo mad right now. I was so excited last week now looking at over 3 weeks before my blood work DARN IT!!! This test just seems so sily to me. I have no signs/symptons/or sleep problems so this is why I am so mad!! Thanks sooo much for your encouragment...when I finally calm down I will see the brighter side. I just had this time line in mind and now it's all screwed up!!
hi jaime, don't get frustrated because you now have sleep apnea. a lot of us are in the same boat. just try and push the next sleep study up sooner than the one that you have already. i did and ended up doing it two days later and the first one. then they moved my appt. up for the eval.
just stay calm. i am learning that because i was all ready for the appt with my dr for the surgery date and found out that i have h pylore which is a stomach virus and am on antibiotics for two weeks and then i have to wait one month before i can do the test to make sure that i do not have it anymore. then on my way to the dr. for surgery date. keep a chin up and it will all work out for the best.
Hi Jaime,
I know it's difficult now but knowing if you have sleep apnea, I do too, is extremely important. Once your under the anesthia you become more relaxed, especially if you have sleep apnea. The anesthesiologist needs to know that so they can monitor you more closely. Also, you have to take your cpap machine with you to the hospital when you go to have your surgery. With this little info maybe you will be a little less frustrated. It's all so you can have a safe and successful surgery.
great answer Robin - Jamie please listen to her. This is completely done for your safety! This is a huge issue in the medical community right now - patients with sleep apnea need to be closely monitored or they may stop breathing and NOT wake themselves up while coming out of anesthesia. Try to remember this is just a temporary thing - I too have/had sleep apnea and since 2 months after surgery have not had to use my bi-pap machine. I will have another sleep study May 4th to confirm the absence of apnea - hopefully
Best of luck to you!
I am in the same boat as you Jamie. I had my first sleep study three weeks ago and I was positive for Apnea. I had the second study two weeks ago and will finally have my follow up on Thursday. At first I was very distressed about the whole thing, but now I'm actually looking forward to getting the machine and slepping beter. I had no idea that I had apnea, and I have been having signs for a a few years now but did not make the connection. I am just so tired all the time.
It is hard to remember that all of this is for the best, but I just want the surgery date and the pieces to be in place. I think that it is such a long journey to get here and the future is so bright that we are in such a rush to make things happen! When I look back it seems like just yesterday that I went for the consult. Time will go quickly and your day will be here beforfe you know it.
One tip - when they booked me for my second study, I asked them to move up my follow up. Also, if I was willing to go to another sleep center, just a few minutes further away, I was able to get an appointment that same week. You can always call for a cancellation too. They are more than willing to help.
The second study was a little odd because you actually sleep wtih the CPAP machine on. It is not as bad as you think. At first I though that there was no way I could do it, but I made it through and so will you!
Keep your chin up!
Thank-you sooo much. I have my 2nd study tommorow and my follow up the 23rd. I will call on Thursday and try to move up my follow-up appointment. I was so upset yesterday I gave myself such a migrane and had to go to bed at 6:30. I woke up this AM at 7 and my head is still throbbng. I have accepted it for what it is and realize it is better to know. I will let you know Thursday how I made out.
Thanks all for you kind words of support.