4 weeks post-op
Hi Robin - have you gone to the transition class yet at Gerry house? Basically at this point I started eating things like fish, shellfish, chicken (dark meat was moister and easier for me), most soft vegies (I oversteamed them) - I even had grilled cheese on whole grain bread. The nutrionist at the transition class stressed that "because we are taking the blender away from you, make your teeth do that work" - be sure to chew chew chew until your food is mush. This will also help you to eat much slower.
Best of luck to you - you are doing fabulous!!!!
I use low fat mayo - fat free I'm sure would be fine as well. I didn't do so well with hard boiled eggs at first - felt so heavy in my stomach - also peanut butter was difficult for me at first. It's all trial and error I think though. I have still never gotten sick, but after those things (eggs and peanut butter) I sure did feel like I would. Take it slow and best of luck to you :)