With a dose of reality. I spent most of the day shopping in stores for clothes thats right i said stores. I know i posted about burlington before but because i do not want to spend a lot on clothes right now, but i could not help it. I actually have been finding bargains at Wally World, TARGET, and burlington. I was able to buy a jogging suit, 5 pairs of shorts, boxers, socks, a new belt, 1 pair of jeans, and 4 t shirts all for under $120.00 try to do that at Big and Tall or the outlets just all around happy for myself and i neded to tell all. Oh yeah and i have dropped 4 more waist sizes in 4 1/2 weeks that was a shocker.

Thats great, you must feel fantastic.
Aren't clearance racks great! I can't help but stop when I see them, especially now that I can find things on them. I too remember the days of the big and tall stores and the amount you had to pay, it was just awful. Just think when you get to your goal you can go anywhere and find the clothes you want.
Ok- now that my heart has stopped racing from thinking there was an accident....
Congrats!! I can't wait to start dropping clothing sizes. I have lost weight on the scale, but don;t see it anywhere. Clothes fit a bit different, but no need to switch sizes yet.
And WOW!!!! 4 waist sizes in less than 5 weeks!!!