My Day from H-E-L-*
It all actually started yesterday when I fell down the stairs! I hurt my left ankle and right knee. I was stupid and tried going down the stairs without my cane. I use a cane because I have clonus in my left foot because of degenerative disk disease in my lower back. Thankfully, my DIL was here to help me. Well, I took some Motrin for the pain and decided not to go to the ER. Today my DH, DIL and DD convinced me to go because the pain, bruising and swelling was getting worse. So, DH and I spent 3 1/2 hours at the ER. Turns out I may have a fractured distal fibula. I have a semi-cast and an appt with my ortho doc Monday. I really feel like crap. The xray tech was really not very nice at all. Although I told her of my back problems, she was very unsympathetic. I actually felt discriminated against because of being obese. She wouldn't help me roll or help me onto the table or back into the wheelchair. Anyway, I have crutches now. Imagine that....a morbidly obese gramma with crutches! I can't use them well and I can't seem to stop crying about this whole darned thing. I'm in enough pain all day long as it is. Now this! What else is going to happen to my body??? I'm so bummed right now. That's enough out of me. Just needed to rant. Sorry. Have a great rest of the weekend! Jules
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Aww Jules! I have been thinking of you all day. I'm so sorry that you are in more pain, I know that you struggle without any additional problems. I feel so horrible that you got hurt.
Who is that XRay tech, I'm gonna go give her a piece of my mind... totally un-called for. I'm sorry you were treated like that.
Who is that XRay tech, I'm gonna go give her a piece of my mind... totally un-called for. I'm sorry you were treated like that.
JULES OMG, i feel so sorry that you are going through this, but look at the bright side after surgery when you lose lose lose you will be much happier so think ahead and smile even though you are in pain. I hit many bumps in the road on my way to WLS including 2 kidney stone surgerys in jan and i thought that was the end of it all so much pain in abs and my cronic back and knee pain didnt help. But once i got through that and had my RNY a lot has got better with my back and knee (except when it rains lol) so keep that cane strapped to your booty so you dont have to fall down go boom like my niece says. Eventually you will be able to look back and say whew im glad thats over. Keep smiling and if you want i can go shove my size 13 boot up the techs arse or you DH can lol. Take care and i hope you feel better!!!
Donnie aka (Uncle Baccala)
oh Julie - I'm so sorry you had to go through all this
. I hope you are feeling better very soon.
Look for the questionaire for patient satisfaction that comes in the mail from the hospital and be sure to fill it out. Maybe this person who treated you so poorly needs a talking to. Believe me, those questionaires are reviewed and dealt with (at least in Lifespan hospitals).