Home Finally
Hello All,
Just want to say thanks for all your prayers, thoughts and well wishes (they were much needed). Surgery went well had to stay and extra day, but that's oK.
Questions: Did anyone have low potassium levels if so, what did you do. I have been very tired but each day is getting better. I finally slept pretty ok last night,Thanks God, can't sleep at hospital. I guess Iam rushing things and just want to feel like me again. Trying to stay hydrated, taking meds on schedule and eating on schedule. I guess, the tiredness is normal. I will try to post later on.
Thanks everyone,
Thanks Dawn,
I am finally on that bench(yeah). They gave me a choice of liquid or pill, took pill (crushed). Did a little walking today with daughters, went to pharmacy to ask about a pill and could it be crused. Trying to get eating plan established (purched some stae 1 baby food, for now) and stay hydrated. What did you eat when you got home?
Thanks Dawn,
That's what I am doing a lot of sipping, drinking protein drinks, and will have stage one chicken for dinner. How did you do with your injections? I am having my daughter (CNA) give me mine in my arm (the VN sd it was ok) still not feeling those needles. How far apart did you do yours