Has this happend to you?
I was just wondering if this feeling i get near my pouch is normal it feels a little uncomfortable but only after i walk and eat then it goes away. Is this possibly related to the new nerves growing in the new stomach. Also what is the deal with the extreme thirsty feeling i get after i eat, these have been happening over the last couple of days. I have to wait 30 mins to drink after i eat and i watch the clock like a hawk LOL. All of these feelings are new and did anyone else have this happen?
I still go get a weird feeling around my pouch as well. It is hard to describe but I notice it happens only after I eat certin foods. It will get better mine only happens every so often now. As long as it is not pain your fine. The thirsty thing I had as well mine was actually my mouth would feel dry. My surgeon said that if it still happens you need to have somthing take the smallest sip possible just to wet your pallet untill you can drink again.
I still get the thirsty thing sometimes and I am 10mo out. As far as the weird feeling, make sure you are not over filling your pouch, maybe try cutting back a tblsp of food and just see how that goes. I dont remember having that feeling myself.. but you need to remember you are still healing.
best wishes
I guess you could put it that way lol, i realted it to eating ham on easter you are so thirsty afterwards you could drink forever. im glad ill be able to have easter dinner this year seeing that i am on regular foods now i can relax when eating instead of sliceing, diceing, chopping, pureeing, now i use a fork and a knife and chew for a while lol.