Liz Claiborne
One of the ladies here at work knows I'm going through clothes like crazy and just told me that she went to the Liz Claiborne in Bourne, MA yesterday. They are going out of business and selling everything off at really low prices and they will keep restocking as they are open until May. She was telling me she bought 8 tops and 3 pair of pants for $35 yesterday so of course I'm all over that one.
I'm heading up there Saturday, Is anyone interested and want to tag along? I have a van so I can hold 7 with plenty of room for the bags left.
Thank you very much. LOL But I must say, thats a pic of me close to 10 yrs ago and it was taken by my husband and his cell phone... distorted so much(extremely weird) I looked much thinner. I came across it the other day and said, wow... I am going to look like that soon enough! So, thank you! I'll take that early compliment!
Funny story to this pic too. When I came across this pic in his phone, it took me over an hour to realize who it was. I was so revved up and waiting to pounce on him about having other chicks photos in his cell! He had that protective cover on the phone, and its usually a smaller pic and I just couldn't see it well enough. DUH!!!! I eventually told him what I did, We laugh about it now!