Getting to know you's...Saturday Edition

Laura B.
on 3/7/08 11:52 pm - RI
Happy Saturday! Thank God for the weekend! I dont have much planned, Joe (my boyfriend)and I are just planning on staying in and spending time together. Lately we have been doing so much running around that we need a weekend in.

What are your plans for this weekend?

So, back on track - here are your "getting to know you" questions for today!

-What's the biggest lesson you've learnt from your past relationships?

I remember that when my ex boyfriend and I broke up 5 years ago he said something to me that has stuck with me - he said "well, all this time I was going out with you I never mentioned your weight" he said it as if he had done a favor for me by not mentioning the fact that he thought I was fat...which I was, but thats besides the point. What I learned from him is that I definitely didnt want another superficial idiot as a boyfriend and I have a wonderful boyfriend now!

-What is one of your worst habits?

My worst habit is that I am bossy with a capital B. (and proud of it too) It must be the only child syndrome!

So, please share your answers!

Thanks for participating!

on 3/8/08 1:44 am, edited 3/8/08 1:48 am - Cranston, RI
My plans for this wkend would have been a lot better without the flood rains we are getting....We are taking our son to see Camelot at PPAC.  To add to the fun, my son came home from school early on Thurs because he was sick, and missed school yesterday as well.  He has his usual barking cough...when he gets it we call him Mr Hackencoff.  Poor we are keeping him locked in his room with the vaporizer until we leave, and he is doped up on prescription cough and sinus he should really get something out of this show.  My poor baby.    That's the problem with buying tickets in advance.  Ya never know what will be going on the day you actually go to the event....when you have kids, anyway.   To answer today's questions....the biggest lesson I have learned is that I don't have to be perfect.  By the fact that I am human, I am imperfect by nature, and as long as I am alive, I will make mistakes.  Hopefully I will learn from them and make fewer as I go along, but this is precisely HOW I learn.  Intellectually, I have known this for yrs...but it really only hit home in the past few yrs of raising my son.  I am learning to be more forgiving of human imperfections in others and that makes me go a little easier on myself.     My worst habit, same as LB.  I am BOSSY... Ask my younger's my family trademark.  I work on it constantly, and I am way better than I used to be, but some changes do NOT come easy.  Control-freak is my middle name.  I can forgive myself, tho...why?  Because I have realized I don't have to be perfect! (see above) Hahahaha!!!


 When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you.  It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself.  - Natalie Portman

on 3/8/08 9:22 am - Providence, RI

Hello Everyone,

This weekend has been very busy(Iam trying to get things in order before I have my surgery).   My son came home for Spring Break and to help out with things while I have my surgery (I am truly thankful for him).

The biggest lesson I have learned is forgiveness.  To me unforgiveness can lead to a lot of illnesses, depression and alienation.    Like Cara said, "we are imperfect beings and will make mistakes".    Though there may be things that we as individuals may consider unforgiveable, Iv'e learned to let it all go for the sake of my total well being (spritually, physically, mentally and emotionally).


on 3/8/08 12:06 pm - Cranston, RI
My thoughts will be with you this week when you have your surgery Robin.  Please be sure to let us know how you are doing.  Huggs and good luck!!   I hope once you are thru it, you will save me a seat on the loser's bench!


 When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you.  It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself.  - Natalie Portman

on 3/8/08 9:54 pm - Providence, RI

Hi Cara,

Thanks for huggs and I am already moving over for a seat right next to me.


Julie Nolan
on 3/8/08 9:29 am - RI
Oh Cara! You're awesome! We're all perfectly imperfect! I love it! Laura, I love your ideas! These daily questions really make me think hard. You deserve on the bestest boyfriend in the land! Good job! -What have I learned from my past relationships? The only person in the whole world I can truly depend on 100% is myself. My husband is my favorite person in the whole world and he is my best-friend too. But he'll deploy on April 1st for a whole year and the only one left 'standing' will be me while he is away. -One of my worst habits? Only one? Ummmm....speaking of capital B! I am President of the B Club! And I'm not just talking about the Bossiness. You know what word I'm talkin' about....rhymes with Bee Ouch! Happy Day Light Savings Time!!! Jules
on 3/9/08 3:06 am - N Scituate, RI
wow- this one is a thinker, and my brain is still wanting to be in bed right now (cold medicine head) My worst habit...I don't stand up for myself and let people walk all over me.  I am terrible with this and know that part of it is lack of self esteem from letting myself go so much and get like this.  This is something I know I really need to work on, but right now it just seems like I am chasing my tail. I am really going to have to think some more on what I have learned (obviously I guess the lesson didn't take so well- lol)
Dawn McLaughlin
on 3/9/08 10:40 pm - Norh Providence, RI
I've learned in past relationships you don't need to be treated like crap. If I want to be UNHAPPY, I can be UNHAPPY BY MYSELF.  What some people consider to be a bad habit or trait is, that I don't let people walk on me. If you do, you won't get away with it for long. I am my only leader of myself. I usually make clear cut decisions, and I would make an incredible boss with my  loving personality and strength to get it done.  If this is a bad habit, then Oh well... I love my bad habit and proud as hell of it.
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