Every little bit will help...
My daughter was diagnosed with lymphoma in August of 2005. Her 2 year battle with cancer was the most difficult not to mention most painful experience of my life. Today, Chezney is in remission and she enjoys kindergarten like other 6-year olds. In my daughter's honor, I have decided to join The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training (TNT) program. It is the world's largest endurance sports training program. All the money raised will go towards cancer research and programs for patients and their families.
Unfortunately, many of us have been touched by cancer either directly or indirectly. Either way, it's too much. Please help eradicate this disease by donating...any little bit will help. You can check out my TNT fundraising page simply by clicking below. I've committed to raising $2500 for the Cox Providence Road Races on May 4th. If you could make your donation by March 7th, it would be greatly appreciated, this will allow me to track my progress.
Once again thank you,
That's really awesome, Landa! I joined TNT last year and planned on walking the Disney marathon that was in January, but I wasn't able to commit to the training time with my work schedule and my husband being in school, etc. I'm hoping to be able to join again in the future.
I'm so happy to hear about Chezney - that's fantastic. I'll definitely sponsor you! Good luck!
Thank you all for your well wishes and to those of you who donated, an extra special thank you.
Krista, maybe we can team up for a future marathon. I know the schedule is hectic...at least 3 days out of the week I wake up at 4:20am to be at the gym for 5am. I know there's no other way of me getting in the mileage if I have to wait until I get out of work, help chezney with home work, get dinner ready etc. The down side of waking up so early is I'm usually in bed every night by 8:30 and I'm 30 years old. But the absolute best thing I get out of this (besides helping such a great cause) is the increase of self confidence, self esteem, sometimes when I'm running I feel like I can conquer the world...I wouldn't have been able to do this without RNY.