Looks like I'm back to the hospital tomorrow.
Looks like I have to go to RW hospital tomorrow. For the past 2-3 days I havent really been able to eat or drink protein drinks or CIB. After about 2 bites (or drinks) I begin to get nauscious and last night and today its ended in 2 bites, nauseau and then vomiting so I called Dr Pohls office and got a call back from Dr Lentrichia whos on call tonight who said I need to have a scope or GI to find out whats going on but as long as I am not vomiting water back up tonight it can wait until the morning. I'm able to drink water, but very little (i've only been able to have about 6 ounces today) If I begin not being able to hold the water down tonight, I'm to go straight to the ER, but I dont think thats going to be necessary. From what I've been told, its a possible stricture, but wont know until tomorrow. I'll update everyone once I know more but didnt want to just disappear (again!)On the up side I will try to get up to see UncleBaccala tomorrow and hopefully its nothing and I'll be back home tomorrow bugging all of you as normal!