Another test out of the way!!
ok- I did it- I passed my psych test- and amazingly enough- I wasn't taken away in a white jacket.
Just my NUT apt next weds, and sleep study in Feb, then bloodwork. I went to see Dr Fredrick Friedman even though he didn't accept my insurance (will try and get some reimbursement from them) and was so happy I did go there. I felt none of the "pre-judgement" that a lot of you said they felt- or felt he looked down upon me at all. He was very easy to talk with and caring. I definately recommend him for anyone dreading that apt!
Glad you had a great did I.
Another thing...seems many others spent more time with their doctor. I heard a few say they went, answered questions then had to come back later.
Dr. Friedman did it all in one, 1 hr session and it was over AND very painless! Never once did I ever feel uncomfortable or judged.
I agree- the only question he asked me that I couldn;t really answer truely- is really still haunting me. "What makes me feel I am ready to do this now and suceed vrs all my other tries?"
I can't answer that truthfully to myself. That scares me. Did anyone else get asked this and TRUTHFULLY (I mean for themselves- not for some blurby answer) answer it. How did you answer it- if it isn't too personal to share?
I answered it in another form, a "Why do you feel surgery is the answer when all other things have failed?"
My answer was- that "plain and simple, I am a chicken. Surgery for me is a HUGE ordeal. I am at the point of feeling like an animal caught in a trap and the only way out is chewing my arm off- and so I am going to. If I undertake such an ordeal, I couldn't possibly see myself letting it fail."
I was asked that question and my only answer is.....Because I have to. I can not do it on my own and my health is a huge factor. Plain and simple...this is my last chance but with help.
I have never had the help part and I have always failed. I'm very luck and fortunate that my insurance has approved me. I consider it a very generous gift!!