Unofficial RI gathering details.......
I'm so glad everyone is coming on Saturday! I thought that since it was at 5pm we could do a WLS friendly pot-luck dinner. I'll make a few different main dishes, so if you feel up to it, bring some type of side dish or just bring yourself! If you dont have time, Dont feel obligated to make something, the main thing we want is you!
I will print out recipes and nutritional info for the dishes I make and they'll be available for everyone if you try something you like you'll have the recipe to take with you. If you'll be bringing something and want the recipe made available feel free to do the same, or EMail me the recipe and I'll be happy to print them for you. As I said before, feel free to bring your husbands(my hubby will thank you..haha!), kids, signifigant other, whoever... just please give me a heads up so we can make sure to have enough food!
Everyone who posted they were coming will be getting a PM shortly with my address and telephone info, feel free to call me with any questions, direction requests, or just to chat! If you havent posted, what are you waiting for??
I cant wait to see everyone Saturday!