Pre-Admission Testing????
Hey Everyone!! Can anyone tell me about how long I will be there for the pre-adm. testing?? I am scheduled for 1/25 at 9AM at Roger Williams. I need to tell my boss if I will be able to come to work after. I asked my Dr.s office and they said its different for everyone. I just need a ballpark figure....Is it an all day thing or only an hour or so? And whats involved in this testing anyway??
If memory serves me, I was there for around 1 1/2- 2 hours. I went in to work afterwards, so it definately wasnt an all day thing. I spoke to a nurse, they took a history, went over the surgery, I had blood drawn and spoke to the anesthesilogist .thats all I remember about it really, nothing too signifigant and it was over pretty quickly