Trader Joes roadtrip on 1/19?
2 days really wasnt sufficient notice on this, I'm not sure what I was thinking. So how about we plan a road trip for 1/19 and who knows if it goes over well maybe we can make it a monthly or bi-monthly thing. Leslie..dont want you to have to rush from your party. Krista...hey, dont worry about the kids, we'll help! Danielle...Hope you can make it if we plan ahead! Kim...Anything we can look for for you? Robin.....I'm afraid I've never been, so others will know better what they have, but I've heard wonderful things! Jen, Alexia, Laura, Pam, and everyone else......How about a trip? My house is open for everyone to meet at and we can do a lunch or something if everyone wants. I have a minivan and can seat 7. Just let me know!