New to posting, but ...
...been lurking for a little while.
Hi all,
I just want to say what a wonderful group of people seem to be on the RI board. Very supportive of one another, but still seeming to tell it like it is. I did get to meet a few of you at the last RWMC support group meeting and I hope to attend the next one (12/27?).
So again, HI!
Hi, welcome to posting!
I agree, this RI board is wonderful, especially when you look around some of the other boards and they have some really weird and nasty people on them.
I'm hoping to come to the next support meeting too. Now that Jim's on days after 3 years of working nights - Mama's goin out!
Thanks for the warm welcome! Looking forward to seeing you both next week.
Angela... yes, that was me. Thank you (and a couple of others) for staying longer and answering some questions and just talking about what you've been going through. It really helps!
Leslie... there does seem to be some very negative people on a couple of the other boards that I've looked at. I think it was part of what made me hesitate to post anything.