Liquid diet anyone????????
Hi Jules... Sorry you are feeling crappy. I'm not at your stage yet so I have no idea on what you are going through. HUGS On the flip side...stay busy. Do you read? How about knitting or crocheting? If not maybe you can learn or pick up on some other craft. I do all 3 so that's how I'll be keeping busy. Soduko (sp?) is also challenging and fun to keep you busy. Just a few thoughts... If you can knit...I have a great suggestion. Let me know!
Hi Jules, What shakes are you doing? The one from the doctors office? I only lasted one day on those, they were awful. After that I tried carnation instant breakfast. Some like those, I really didn't care for them, I ended up doing the Aikens shakes for the rest of the time. I don't think what kind is as important. I know the office staff just says thier drinks or carnation instant breakfast, but even after surgery I wasn't keen on those, so I asked Dr Giovanni. She sugested checking with the nutrisionist, who would have more knowledge of the different shakes. When I checked with her she said Aikens was ok because it was low carb and high protien. So I used those post op (after the hospital stay) So you may want to try a few of the different shakes to see if they help. It may make the next nine days better and help for the few weeks after when you really need to find something you can handle.