I HAVE A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! November 27 time to be determined later..... I am so excited I could scream. Ooh yeah, I already did...... I might try to see if I can move it to the 29th. That would be the same day as Pam. I am not sure if he does 2 in 1 day. It will be easier to have it done closer to the weekend with the kids. If not, who cares.. They will get to school somehow... He might need to take out the GB. Almost non-functioning. he will look and make the decision in the OR. Anyone else having surgery that day? What about the pre-op class you have to take. I go on the 15th. Anyone else? Thanks for all the support. You all are awesome@!!! jen
Oops, I shouldn't have let the tube thing slip by. No, it was NOT a breathing tube (although maybe it had been).
Evidently when the surgeon is done, they insert a tube down your stomach & test (?maybe with air) for any leaks. About 20 % of the time they cannot insert the tube. So it was left in. They then sent me in the next day for a barium test for leaks. Why the tube is left in I don't understand. Maybe iit functioned earlier as a breathing tube & it was kept in if they needed to do more surgery. You've got me. Remember, when all this was being explained to me, I was pretty much doped up & I couldn't speak well because my throat hurt. After I passed the test, the Dr. came in to pull it out. The tube served no purpose that I know of, but irritated the heck out of my throat.. Yeah, yeah, 4 wks. of puree. If you can always stick to that while preparing food for others, you're a better man than I am, Gunga Din! We can definitely meet sometime or I will call. The whole procedure was easy, though. Sorry, you can't worry about all the possible contingencies. Well, you can but it's a waste of your time. Eileen