i have a date....and I dont mean with my husband!
Hey, Good news. I find out tomorrow my date. Do you know if you will still be on liquids for thanksgiving? I want it done before, but only if I will be on mushy's by then. We are expecting my whole family in town and I would hate it if I had to drink liquids that day. If that is the case, I might wait until after. I really dont want to do that either.
I will most likely still be on liquids for Thanksgiving, but I dont really mind. I am just so ready to get this done and my husband understands. My father-in-law is flying in the day before surgery and he'll be here over Thanskgiving so hubby and him can have a nice Thanksgiving dinner together and I'll sit with them.
I can understand your reluctance to be on liquids then though. I'm not sure with your surgeon what his guidelines are , but I would bring the subject up to him and ask him.
Make sure you let us know though once you find out your date tomorrow! Good Luck!