Any thoughts...
It's been 3 weeks since my appointment with the surgeon and still no approval from the insurance. Well atleast I have not heard otherwise. I was told (from surgeon) the approval usually takes about 1 week, from there I would get notified by mail on my list of tests I need to complete.
Any suggestions or advise would be appreciated. I have been tempted to call the office to inguire about it but I keep holding out in hopes that it's just a delay and I'll know any day now. Yet it just doesn't seem like it's going to happen.
Thanks in advance.
I would give them a call and check on the status of your insurance. When I was pre-op I was supossed to hear in a few weeks for the EDG and didn't, so I called and although it was faxed to the hospital, nothing was done. So in a few days I had the appointment. I also had a few month wait on the insurance, when it should have been a few weeks. I kept calling until it was all set.
Unfortunately we have to take control of a lot of the pre-op tests and insurance approval. I think that the doctors offices have so many patients, that things fall through the cracks, so we as patients have to be a little pushy and keep on them to get everything done.
Good luck with everything.
I have Dr. Roye and when I first started this process(just waiting for a date now) after my initial meeting with the NP I found out quickly you have to be on top of things. I have blue cross and my approval came within a few days which no one told me. After two weeks I called back to find out when I would receive the list of people I had to call for an appt for testing.
I spoke to the NP and while I was waiting for her call back she was waiting for me to call her and confirm what procedure I wanted. So basically I wasted 2 weeks waiting for them while they were waiting for me. Don't be afraid to check as often as you need to. Read everything they send you and question stuff as soon as possible. After I received the paperwork with all the tests they required I noticed they had made appointments for a couple of tests. The only problem I had is 3 were scheduled for the same day and time. You have to reschedule your appointments so don't bother calling them back if necessary. I did it immediately and it took several weeks to reschedule so do what you can ASAP.
I hope this helps you a little bit. Good Luck
Thanks for all the advice.
I actually called the insurance today, HMO Blue NE, they in turn called BC of RI for a response while I was on hold. The lady I spoke to was very nice and helpful. She said they have received my case but it's still in review and no decision has been made. The only info I wish I could have gotten was when did they actually receive the paperwork. That would set my mind alittle at ease...or maybe not.
Back to waiting...::sigh::
Hope all is well with everyone else. I know we are all dealing with our own issues between tests, approvals and dates. It's nice to have others we can come to for anything whether it be advice or someone just to vent to.
Hi IncredibleFeeling
I'm glad I could help a little bit. I don't know who you talked to at BC but also have HMO BNE and when I spoke to them what they basically said is we don't get "approved" in the general sense.
I called to see if I had been approved and was told with this plan if the doctor recommends the surgery they don't generally argue about it. I told her the NP said they had to wait for approval from BC before going ahead and BC said that's not exactly how they do it. If the doctor tells them you meet the criteria and need the surgery then they consider you "approved".
I know it doesn't make sense expecially after hearing so many having trouple getting approval but I asked her several times about this and coverage for the surgery and repeatedto BC what Dr. Royes office said and BC didn't have any problem with approving it. I was alset within 3 days.
Also check your co-pay. Depending on your plan you may or may not have to pay something. After checking further with BC they told me if I go in as an out-patient (in/out same day) it's free To stay 1 night or more I will pay $500. So check that also so you won't get any "surprises". I hope I didn't make this more confusing for you.
I found it worked a little faster with BC than some other health plans. If I can help with anything else, please let me know.