hi everyone its me donna franco from fall river
How is everyone doing? im sorry its been quite a while since i wrote..welllet me update you..as you most know i started at 506lbs last august..had the surgery with dr roye and as of last month i was down 220lbs..thats a lot of weight...i have had 5 kidney stones...one stent put in...its been hard ..lost a lot of hair..malnourished, and dehydrayed...it hasnt been an easy road...but 3 months ago i needed to get to the hospital everyday....my mom had a heart attack last year and now her kidneys are failing they said she dont have much time so i took her home and took care of her..if i never had the opertion i could of never helped her ..she is back in the hospital again and they want her to go in a nursing home we have tried that twice and they both let her go into congestive heart failure..now i have a hernia that needs surgery...and they said i shouldnt take her but i cant let my mom die in a home she wants to come here and die...and i have been in so much pain...and ihave no health insurance my husband has been unemployed for 3 months so i get to a dr...i guess its from being 500lbs and smashed all my joints and now i suffer......but thts ok compared to what mom is going through ..and we might also loose the house ..its just a mess...but the positive thing is ...i can walk again i can walk to see mom in thehospital i can walk with my son...he's 8 im going tommorow towhites restraunt to get a trophy for him for playing baseballit just use to be him and his dad ..and i was shopping for a blouse for me to go...me im going to a function!! i cant believe it...so a lot of good with the bad....but ive come all this way im not stopping...never..the fall river herald news just did a follow up article it should be out this week....about how im doing and my support group that i run gaps...well sorry to write a whole history...let me know how you guys are doing..hope much better than me...miss you all..i usually check my email at [email protected] ok tak care ...donna from mass
oh also Donna - about the lack of insurance - you have kids? Check to see if you can get some help from Mass Health since your husband is out of work - they strive to make sure children and families are insured. If that doesn't work for you - check with your local hospital to see if you qualify for financial assistance with them so you can be seen in their facility if need be.
Good Luck hun,
wow- so much bad along with the good. You have an amazingly postive attitude! Contact your creditors and be honest with them, they can work with you, as they want to see payment, any payment, rather than have to go through the hassle of foreclosure. If you are up for caring for your mother, then that really is the best place for her, rather than somewhere that they pop in once or twice a shift to check on people.