Worst night of my life!
Yes, it does stink!
I did sleep and found out that I have apnea! Had to go again and sleep not only with the wires on but a mask - that hurt like hell! Now I am supposed to get a machine for home and sleep with it... havn't done it yet! They say I need to bring it to the hospital with me when I have the surgery...and then I hear that once one looses the weight - the apnea decreases....
When I talked to Dr. Roye in the beginning - he had the results of my sleep study. I told him that I was freaked out by the thought of wearing a mask because I'm so claustrophobic. He told me that if he were me, he'd be more freaked out at the thought of not using it becuase my apnea was so severe. That pretty much convinced me to give it a shot.
I changed doctors, went to a nurse practitioner in Dr. Millman's office - she told me I didn't need a face mask - which I had been told I needed because I'm a mouth breather. The nurse practitioner (Lauren) told me that if I got the problem with my nasal passages worked out I would have not trouble with the nose canulars. I started using flonase - then went for my second sleep study. Worked wonders!!!! The canulars are really not so bad - I've been using the bi-pap for about 6 months now and I have to admit - I feel soooooooooo much better. I never realized that I was so tired from the apnea - thought it was just from keeping up with work and the kids activities - some days are non stop.
Anyway - I guess my long winded advice is to give it a shot. It's not so bad as it was during the sleep study. After about a week you find you get used to it. One doctor actually said, if you can only go 3 or 4 hours with it, that's better than none at all. I hope you give it a try - hopefully you will feel so much better too :) Pam
I to had the same sort of trouble that you had with the only exception is that I left at about 2:00 in the morning because I didnt fall asleep at all the first study. I fet the same thing all the wires and the main problem I had was the knowlege that they were watching me. I did get tech to give me a tour of their lab to see what they monitor which helped quite a bit. The techs also suggested I go to my PCP and get something to help me fall asleep which I did, I was able to complete the test and find out I have severe OSA. I cant tell you how much better I am sleeping with the cpap machine, There are many different types of masks you can use I have tried 3 different types and have found that the nasal prongs work best for me. Good luck Marc
Hi Marc!
Thanks for some interesting info. I seen my sleep results yesterday and what a difference the machine made! I have to pick up my machine next Friday and I didn't like that mask - it hurt my cheeks! I am going to try the prongs since you say they work best - I really don't like anything on my face!
Hey congradulations on the loss so far... I just finished ALL my testing and I put in a call to Dr Pohl's office - he has to review my records and then they will make an appointment for my office visit and hopefully I will have a date soon! I need to have it done before 12/31/07 - that is when my insurance authorization expires! I want to get in before Thanksgiving or right after!
Take care,