weight loss seminar thursday 10/11
I know most of you are well beyond this point- but wondering if anyone is going to the Gastric Weight Loss Seminar tom. night at Kay Auditorium, Roger Williams Hospital. This seminar is given by Dr Pohl and Dr Giovanni and is the pre-req to see them. Although I have an apt with Dr Roye, and this is not a requirement for him, I figured it would be good to go to and drag DH to. Anyway- just wondering if I will see any of you there.
again- I missed the seminar- this time due to a family issue, we were mostly there, then call from the inlaws- one of my little guys was not feeling good- so I turned around. Oh well, I have read books, visited websites, asked questions- and will ask more when I get to see the nurse practicioner- but I really was going to have my husband listen to the info. My 1st consult apt is
Nov 21, and my hubby is coming with me then, but I had wanted him to come to this too- sigh- maybe next month...