Hello to all...I am back!
Hello!I have been out of it for a while! My EX-Fiancé who was cheating on me beat me up on 8/08/07.. so I really have not been myself! This guy took advantage of me not only physically but verbally and mental abuse too! Not to mention that he was not keen on me having the surgery - and I don't need a negative person being there! I have a new guy (an old acquaintance) who has been helping me through this bad time and is a great friend! I am no longer angry and sad BUT happy!Not only have I rid myself of a bad life experience, I have lost about 16 pounds - due to stress! I have been going to counseling for help and now I am ready for my new challenge! Now I am back on track and still working on getting a date and I have someone who is going to stand by my side! I have one more visit with Dr. Guida (sleep study) and then back to get my date!Hope you all are well....