Hey Islander, Good Luck!!!!!
I knew it was this week, but did not realize it was tomorrow until I read the other post. Wow, you are almost a LOOSER... Lucky you. Cant wait to join you. Take care, and follow Dr's orders. Keep us posted. You are having it at RI Hosp. right. Please let me know if I can help. Take Care, and Good Luck.... Jen
Thanks to all!
Right now I've completed the "cleasing" process. Baby wipes - gotta have 'em. And I took my sister's advice to eat lightly for a few days. What fun! I'm still crampy & hungry. I'll be out of surgery tomorrow just in time - for lunch!
My sister said I'd be enjoying hearty fare of - ice chips! Yum, ice chips.
I'll be happy when this is finished.
I'm lucky that I don't have to worry about a job or young kids. And I rarely worry about housework!
I have to be there at 6:30 - that's a.m.! Surgery is at 8:45, I think. Good thoughts, prayers, etc. are always appreciated.
The best advice my sis (who has also been through this) has, is to walk as soon as possible.
So tomorrow, a.m., I'm outta this burg.
Yours, Islander