One to go!
well, my first consult with Dr Pohl is over. What a wonderful man! Not all of my tests results made it over even after I made calls to make sure they were there but I made several calls after I got home and stopped into my PCP's office so now everything is straight and should be together by the end of the day. Dr Pohl had them schedule the EGD and I guess I will hear something in the next few days about that. They said everything will be submitted to insurance today and BCBS seems to be good about approval quickly so Dr Pohl thinks I'm looking at the beginning of November!
I'm supposed to call his office as soon as I have the EGD to schedule the follow up and get a date. Of course thats all assuming that insurance approves me, which I dont see why they wouldnt and I've talked to them about requirements and such already so I should be ok. Things are moving along nicely!