Cardiac/Pulmonary clearance
Do you know Dr. Fantes? She is making me nuts. She sticks to the 20 minute appt. rule so bad that one time she would not even re-fill my perscription. Can you believe it. She keeps saying, you are going to have to come back and we can talk about the rest of your issues.. Like I have all F*&^%$$#$ day to be going into Newport to see her all the time. As soon as I get my approval, (assuming I do) I am changing my PCP. I have been complaining about a really bad pain in my left foot for months now., Every thime I go to see her, I have other things to discuss and we never get to my foot. She did the same thing yesterday. Now, I can barely walk these days it hurts so bad, and she still told me I have to come back. All I wanted was a referral to a foot Dr. or an x-ray or something. NOTHING, that is what I got. And my freaking foot is still killing me. AARRRHHHGGGG I am not so pissed I cant stop writing..... Yikes, I am afraid of what will come out next. I better quit while I am ahead... Thanks for listening, jen