Pre-op testing
Dawn I've had a Hida Scan. This is to check to see if your gall bladder is functioning well. While laying down, under a machine, which works like an xray, you are injected with an IV of medication that causes your gallbladder to fill. At that point they take measurements to see how long it took to fill etc. After a short period of time you are then given an IV of a solution that will cause your gallbladder to empty. Measurements are then take on how long it took to empty. There is a specific ration you need to fall under to determine if your gallbladder is functioning ok. I had one 3 years ago because I was having symptoms of gallbladder problems, but the Gallbladder ultrasound showed no stones. After I had the Hida Scan it turned out that my gallbladder was not working to good and I had to have it removed. Since having it removed I no longer have pain or severe nausea. Nancy