Me again, just venting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad you had a great experience. Mine was really good until about a week ago. I was hoping it would go smoothly until the end, but I guess not. As for Anette, I gave her the benefit of the doubt. I had heard a lot of negitive stuff. I am not one to gossip or listen to what people say. She was nice for a little bit, but just started getting nasty. I don't want to say anymore, just that I think she needs a lesson on phone ettiquette-(SP)..... On a better note. I FINALLY heard from Kathleen and she was faxing the rest of the reports today. I was also told by TriCare I need a Cardiac and Pulmonary clearance before approval. I have an appt. on Wed. Let's see if that is all I need. The insurance seems to keep adding stuff too... Take Care, Jen