seminar on thursday sept 13th
Hey Alexia, I didn't go that route, I'm not a patient of Dr. Pohl's so I'm not familiar with the seminar. I didn't have to go through a seminar with my Doctor. Just wanted to give my support to you to do what is best for you and not what others think is best for you. I don't think you will find anyone here that would be against what you are planning to do. Good Luck Nancy
The other thing to consider is there is another doctor there who does the surgeries. Dr Giovanni. And becacuse she is new to the practice she is easier to get into see (for now). I went with her and she was great. Very easy to talk to, knowledgable, and very very thourough. I am very happy I chose her. You will probably meet her also at the seminar.
Of couse this is a total personal decision and you have to make the decision on what surgeon you want. Just wanted to let you know that there is more than one doc at this group. .....dave