Who's walking on Saturday??
Anyone coming to walk this weekend? For those of you who don't know, a group of us have been meeting on Saturday mornings at 9am (not that I'm ever actually there at 9...lol...). So far we've done Lincoln Woods once and Roger Williams Park twice. I really have no preference, so we should vote. I also nominate the East Bay bike path, which starts in Providence but goes through East Providence and all the way to Bristol. It's mostly flat with a few small hills. There is a main parking lot on Veterans Memorial Pkwy in EP where we could meet. That said, I would be perfectly happy sticking with RWP or LW!
So who's joining me??
I would like to try to come if you ladies dont mind a newbie like me, and honestly I'm a little worried about keeping up..lol. Just let me know where to be and I will be there, and if you ever decide to try East Bay Bike Path I live just a few blocks up from the harbor and the path in Bristol, my husband and I walk down there quite a but, so I'm happy to offer my home as a meeting place/parking area.