Pre-op update
As of last friday, my insurance company finally received the fax from Dr. Royes office. I called this Monday to see if they did and varified it. I do have 100% coverage on my insurance....
I just received a call from Dr. Royes Office saying that they want a letter from my Primary Physician, Dr. Fine, saying i've been obese for more than ten yrs. He's not back from vaca yet. Like usual, he comes back from his vacation to automatically see me... it's just coincidence that it happens. LOL Anyways, I gotta wait three more days, and he won't write the letter unless he see's me, so I have to go in on Monday. Argh!
I just don't get that I am completely covered for this surgery and they still want a letter????????
Have they lost their friggen minds??? We paid for that and it's mine to have! Why are they going to make it difficult?
I've dropped 10 lbs. since the appoinment with the NP at Dr. Royes on June 20, to prove I am dead serious about this!
I swear sometimes it feels like a "Let's f*** with Dawn Day!"
When they receive the letter, are they going to turn around and ask for something else???
Thanks Jullee! I've been taking those deep breathes you speak of. I've backed off and said I will just have to ride this out, otherwise, I will lose my mind! :) You all warned me... LOL
But I did get my gradification when I left Annette last week in the office.... yelling "You are One Nasty Woman!" all the way out the door, so all the patients could hear. She ruffles my feathers in a huge way! LMAO