I'm Home

on 4/13/07 3:25 am - Saunderstown, RI
Hi All, Well I made it to the other side. I'm officially sliced, diced, bypassed & superglued. All in all, things went pretty well. The bypass pt beds were okay.....and "hot" nurse Joe sure helped improve things mightily..lolol. Of course you can all guess which nurse got the honor of removing my catheter right??? Yup, hottie Joe. They had a little bit of a problem getting my heart rate to stay normal, but I had that problem before surgery so not much of a surprise. I wound up with a roommate my last night. I felt bad that she was sick - but could have done without someone who sounded like a wounded indian until 5am. So now I'm trying to have what fun I can at home....trying to explain to my son that no...I won't shrink by 1/3 by the time he gets home from school and grossing my mom out giving myself shots and play by plays of my bathroom fun times...lol Mom's having a tough time accepting what little I actually put in my new tummy. She'll adjust, I'm sure the first time I goof & push things a bit she'll definitely adjust. Ok....time for a nap!
Pam H.
on 4/13/07 9:42 am - Lincoln, RI
Hi Chari I feel bad no one has posted back to you. Gotta say, you've got a great sense of humor! They've got some great nurses at RIH, I'm guessing that's where you had your surgery. Lucky you to get a hottie. Glad to hear your surgery went so well too. Congrats and welcome to the loosers side! I've been here for 9 months and my husband still has trouble believing "that's all" I eat. Hope things continue to go well. Pam
on 4/13/07 5:27 pm - Saunderstown, RI
Thanks Pam Hopefully things will keep going well. I think what surprised me the most so far is that no matter how prepared I was for the actual surgery...the first 2 days I actually wondered just what the heck I did to myself...lol. Thank god that was short lived. Now I'm just surprised that at 3 days out, I'm really not hurting. It's awesome. Now if I could only stop sneezing! (stupid pollen) lmao! Thanks again! Chari
on 4/14/07 1:24 am - Middletown, RI
Glad to hear that you're feeling better! I'm still laughing about your son thinking that you might shrink. My mom & sister went on a cruise a few months after her surgery. She sent me some pix & I kept staring at one with my mom and ? - a friend, a passerby, who? I returned to it a few times & then forgot about. A few hours later I realized who it was - my sister! I didn't recognize my own sister! Resting for a nap is good! Eileen
on 4/14/07 2:08 am - Saunderstown, RI
That's hysterical Eileen!! I can't wait to get to that point..lol! My son (he's 12) went to his dad's this weekend. He told me that when I went in to the hospital I was "this big"...when I came home, I was only "this big" so he couldn't wait to see how much more I shrunk over the weekend when he was gone. He kills me. He's a big kid...almost 5'5 @ 140lbs at 12- just starting to get past the baby fat stage - I told him that in less than a year I'd be fighting him for his jeans...lol He was not amused. I'm off to go make someone walk the mall with me...my tummy feels like a rock today..ugh Chari
on 4/17/07 2:55 am - WEST WARWICK, RI
Hi Chari, I am so happy for you and glad that everything went so smoothly. I really had not thought to much that I would have a roomie when I go in hopefully, I won't be the sick one -- How has it been with the liquid diet? Glad to hear that you are getting your rest too. All the best, Paula
on 4/17/07 4:10 am - WEST WARWICK, RI
Cheri, What floor were you on in the hospital? Just curious Paula
on 4/17/07 10:41 am - Saunderstown, RI
Hi Paula I wason the 5th floor of the main hospital in ICU for 2 days, then I was taken over to the coop building - 3rd floor for the last night. So far it hasn't been bad at all. I'm still in the liquids stage which is fine because I have absolutely no appetite whatsoever. I can do really loose purees too but no thanks....too gross. My post op apptointment isn't until the 30th...so far away...I'm looking forward to soft foods. Rest? Now that's another story altogether unfortunately. I was doing good over the weekend until Monday. My Grandmother died this morning, and my aunt is not expeced to live through the night tonight. Both had two entirely different problems and two different hospitals....but my Dad is losing his mother & sister both in one day....sucks. Apparently the muscles you use to keep yourself from crying are all located in your stomach...right where they make the incisions. Needless to say, I'm pretty sore. Nowhere to go but up.... Good luck with your journey! I would do it again given the choice so far. Chari
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