back from surgery need advice
Hi Elizabeth
I am not a fan of the flavored protien powders. I prefer the ones that taste more like juice. So if you go to they sell them. Unfortunately they are only 15 grams of protien, but I find that they're thinner so you can drink more of them. Also, if you add unflavored protien powder to them it'll boost it up to the 20-25 grams you're looking for. They also sell clear protien soup and protien hot chocolate.
If you have a GNC near by, they have Isopure. It's bottled ready made and looks like kool aid. Sort of tastes like kool aid too. There's 40 grams of protien in 20 ounces.
Hope that helps.

i was a big fan of the "Nectar fuzzy Navel" protein drinks. You can buy a couple samples on ebay, usually. otherwise, has them. I liked these sorts of drinks way better than the thick/chocolately ones. the Nectar products didn't taste too awful and you can mix them with crystal light [the orange sunrise or lemonade works well with the fuzzy navel].
good luck!
go for quality drinks with more protein. it'll save you money int he end!