Whey or not to Whey??
From what I've read and heard from others who have had WLS, Whey Isolate is the protien supplement the banders and bypassers should use to supplement their protien intake when they're on liquids or just can't take in enough solid protien. There are many products being sold at Walmart, GNC, and some online sources. Check the ingredient list; keep the carbs and fats low and the protien(whey isolate) high.
i think there are a few different types of protein - the most popular being whey. Don't ask me what it is - i have no idea. i just know it's the most common! So yes, whey is good to have!
Another one is soy protein. You find this kind of protein in a lot of the protein bars, I think because it generally doesn't have that funny "protein" taste like whey can. HOWEVER, I would suggest highly - to go slow and be careful with the soy protein. With soy anything, honestly. I don't want to get real personal or gross here, but soy and your bowels don't always get along well together.
i had started eating a lot of soy things - like protein bars, soy crips, soy bean noodles, tofu - and noticed a significant change in my bathroom habits, so to speak. enough of a change where i thought there was something very wrong with me. Turned out - it was the soy. I stopped eating it - and back to normal I went. The second I start eating it again - i'm back to the same problems. I love the Quaker Soy Crisps - but i limit myself to 2 or 3 crisps PER WEEK. that's about all i can handle!
now, i'm not saying this happens to everyone - but if you ask around the websites, you'll find that there's enough of us out there to make you watch your intake. LOL
I'll never forget an email someone sent to me from this website... "You cannot eat soy products and still be considered socially acceptable." SO TRUE. lol. You do not want to be anywhere but your own home when eating these types of things. haha
that was probably TMI - but it never hurts to share, right? LOL [i hope]
I think you did a wonderful job to delicately tip toe around the "Topic" without giving TMI. I always enjoy reading your post. I think you shoud consider becoming a writer your humerous tone would refreshing.
I have been doing a lot of reseach on all the choices too. There are a ton of products out there. Who knew?
Happy Egg DAy, Paula