Personal Trainer anyone?
I couldn never afford one, but thankfully the Y that I go to has someone show you how to use all the stuff and they have charts that you can use to keep track of your proress.......I think it depends on you as to wether you are comfortable enough doing your own research and using that..or wether you need the push that a personal trainer may provide...which ever you choose best of luck to you.
Dear Danielle,
I don't have a trainer now, but I have had many in the past. I really like personal trainers!!! (weight lifting is a passion of mine!! ) After you have sat them down and told them what your goals are, they know just how hard to push and they don't push too hard. I have yet to have one that has. They set up a program geared towards your goals and abilities and teach you how to do it on your own if that's what you want. If you don't want to know the nitty and gritty, they can also just take you by the hand and tell you what to do. It's great!! If you find that you have one that is too aggressive and pushes to hard, dump him and get another. It helped to keep me on track and gives you someone to be accountable to so you don't slip back into old habits of missing workouts. I usually go to a gym like World's or Gold's gym because they have accredited trainers. (slightly embarrassing being 150lbs over weight) But also some of the hospitals around have good gyms and I would trust them as well to have only "papered" trainers. Some of the smaller gyms don't have the funds to hire good people, so they don't. They have much less qualified people. Also, they have trainers that work with you privately. Unfortunately, I don't live near you, and can't give you advice on your local gyms. I hope this helped. Take care, god bless and good luck in your search!!
Patti from NH having surgery in RI